The TDV Ondontopedriatric Kit is indicated for clinical procedures in odontopedriatrics, dentistics, and orthodontics.
FINISHING AND POLISHING STRIPS: Indicated for resin restoration finishing on the proximal face.
MATRICES: The adaptation of the matrix incorporated to the metallic ring is made compressing the ring after introducing the transparent matrix until the sub-gingival region. The matrix should be introduced with the clipped part turned towards the cervical. The ring extremity, now flattened, can be bent to the side. Whenever necessary, the matrix conformation can be retouched by means of a burnishing device or an exploratory probe. After finishing the work, the extremity of the fixing system is cut in order to extract the matrix without damaging the restoration.
UNIMATRIX: The use of Unimatrix dispenses the use of the conventional matrix holder since the Unimatrix fixing ring will stabilize the matrix and hold it in the correct position. The silicone protectors, in the extremity of the rings, provides a better adaptation of the matrices. The ring must be positioned using the Unimatrix pliers or the ring holding pincers used for an absolute insulation. The sectional matrix must be positioned into the interproximal space with its clipped extremity turned towards the gingival region and adapting it a little below the gingival groove. When the restoration is finished, at first remove the clamp, then the wedge, and finally the matrix. The Unimatrix ring and silicon tubes must be sterilized separately.
WEDGES: TDV wedges are made of several materials, without the need of clippings or adjustments and guaranteeing the matrix fixing, providing restorations without sub-gingival excesses and with perfect contours.
SUPERFIX AND POLIMAX: To use the products Superfix and Polimax, the special mandrel must be installed on the counter-angle. The flexible disc base is then inserted into the appropriate mandrel extremity. The work with Superfix should be initiated with the coarser disc granulation proceeding successively until the finest one, with dry application, and with low to medium speeds and intermittent touches. To use Polimax, the felt disc should be wetted and be applied with low rotation.
DIAMOND STRIP: The Diamond Strip is excelente to work in slices for ortodontic dentistry.
CROWNS: The crowns are indicated for odontological use with photopolymerizable resins in front teeth with class IV restorations and crown restorations, and with acrylic autopolymerizable resin for provisory preparations, optimizing the restoration quality and the working time. TDV crowns have anatomic shapes, which reduce the need of adjustments and provide works with excellent finishing.
Warnings, precautions and restrictions
Professional use only. It is recommended that the use of wedges and matrices be always accompanied by an absolute insulation of the operative field, since their dislocation during the restorative proceeding may cause the dropping and accidental swallowing or aspiration. The matrices, discs, strips, and wedges should be disposed of after each patient in order to guarantee a better clinical performance and to observe the biosafety regulations, however, Unimatrix clamps and the mandrel may be sterilized by any means.