FKG TotalFill BC Sealer Kök Kanal Dolgu Materyali 2 gr

TotalFill® is a pre-mixed bioceramic obturation material. It is dispensed using a syringe in cases of root canal obturation and with either a syringe or as a putty when doing root repair and retrograde fillings. TotalFill® is available for two types of usage: 3D obturation Root repair needs and retrograde fills 1. TotalFill®BC Obturation Kit. ; This set features a TotalFill®BC Sealer syringe (1.5 g), an assortment of TotalFill®BC Points / paper points (Ø 4-6) and 15 TotalFill®Tips. This highly radiopaque and hydrophilic sealer, TotalFill®BC ;Sealer, forms hydroxyapatite upon setting and chemically bonds to both dentine and to our bioceramic points (TotalFill®BC Points). BC Sealer is anti-bacterial during setting due to its highly alkaline pH and unlike traditional sealers, BC Sealer exhibits absolutely zero shrinkage! Each ;component is also available separately. 2. TotalFill®Material for root repair (RRM). ; The TotalFill® ;RRM repair material comes in 3 specially formulated consistencies: as an paste (syringe 1 g), a Putty (jar 2.5g) or a Fast Set Putty (syringe 0,3 g). The RRM is highly resistant to washout and ideal for all types of root repair and pulp capping treatments. Easy to handle, robust and with a shortened set time (only 20 min for the Fast Set Putty), it is also highly biocompatible and osteogenic. U.S. Patent Nos. 7,553,362, 7,575,628, 8,343,271, 8,475,811 European Patent Nos. ;1861341 A4, ;2142225 B1
Teknik Özellikler
Kim sipariş verebilir ?Sadece diş hekimleri,poliklinikler , diş hekimliği öğrencileri tarafından satın alınabilir.
Diğer Özellikler
Stok KoduDST.1000.567*
Stok DurumuÜrün Stoğu Tükenmiştir.


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